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Application of a knife in the gastro

Eurotools company took the opportunity to visit the customer as part of a survey of the use of products by its clients.
Eurotools visited a company specializing in the gastro-industry. Their knife is a toothed knife from the OEM Standard product line.
The type of machine is decisive for the customer, he orders knives with specific dimensions accordingly.
They use their own packaging machines, in which knives are inserted to cut off the part of the foil that packs the bowl.
Their machines also include manual semi-automatic machines for sealing gastro bowls.

Application of a knife in the gastro

According to the customer, the knife in the machine is strong enough to cut the food foil to wrap food bowls.
There are different types of machines, the more sophisticated ones can cut the foil so that it does not stick through the bowl. The advantage is that the machines are low-energy, handling is easy with a handle that simplifies handling during packaging. The purchase is planned according to the sales of end customers of gastronomic facilities. The production of machines is slowing down due to growing competition. The price / quality ratio is crucial for the purchase

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